Wednesday, 20 February 2008

Being Informed

….yes….I reluctantly follow US elections, if you missed the recent market slum that affected stock markets all over the world (rather big economies) or did not know that the US is the biggest Official Donor of Aid, then maybe you should follow….as sad as it is when the US sneezes , we all catch a cold!
Now I added this video, shared by Luca, because I was impressed on how informed this guy was about the politics and candidates’ policies for the upcoming elections. I was sitting and wondering weather I would have pulled it off if I was interviewed about South African politics, and even more wondered if youngsters back home realize that the next elections are in 2009 when we have to make informed decisions about our country’s future. We have voted on emotions for the last 3 elections, which was fitting for the last 3 occasions, but now its time to vote on policies and implementation.

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